Graphic Design
Web Design & Development
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Kearney, NE


What I Delivered

title: exhausting; a mental health project

objective: draw attention and present statistics and information on non-combat (civilian) ptsd and diagnostic rates. describe symptoms and common issues associated with / signs that one may have this disorder.

description: visual theme will consist of early 80’s aesthetic — 1980 was first year ptsd was formally featured in the DSM-III (manual for diagnosing mental illness)

traveling information & mental health advocacy network; college campuses. have a ‘PSA’ feel about it — educational and engaging while presenting real examples and statistics on what is it like to live with and experience ptsd.

exhibit will feature useful statistics and information about non-combat ptsd as well as basic (not to be used as replacement for help from trained professional) self-diagnostic tools and tips. will also include information on disorders that are commonly experienced with or diagnosed as supplimentary disorders along side ptsd diagnosis.